Free Pull the Pin Games Ranking - Play Pull the Pin Games for Free on YkuY Games

Pull the Pin

16K Plays · Published: April 30, 2022

4.4 Based on 342736 votes
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Offered:Popcore Games

Description: Are you looking for the mini games that are all over the internet to challenge your brain? Pull The Pin has got your back! If playing toilet games is your thing, you can relax, pull the pin on this game, and get out the balls. Save them all! Super simple, yet sophisticated gameplay awaits in Pull The Pin for all puzzle game lovers. Some puzzles are simple enough to warm up your brain waves. Others are intricate and complicated enough to challenge you. When the path is clear, just pull the pin and save the balls in the bucket. But watch out - bombs are lurking at every corner. Pull the wrong pin…BOOM! Game over. Start simple and slow, just a pin or two. As you progress, the puzzles become more complicated, yet they all remain relaxing to the very end. With an infinite number of levels, Pull The Pin never ceases to be relaxing, yet challenging for your brain. Take on a few challenges during toilet time and get out all those balls!
  • OS:Android / Ios
  • Size:115M

Exactly what it promises, unlike those ads for other games that show this type of puzzle! That said, it\'s not especially difficult. It\'s more of a light challenge for keeping yourself occupied. You can unlock everything that you can pretty quickly, and it\'s not especially complex. However, it is very satisfying if you\'re just keeping your hands busy! You can go through lots of puzzles quickly, and the noises it makes are super satisfying. Would recommend, if that\'s what you\'re looking for! Im currently on level 111. Im hoping it will become a bit more challenging as i go. It has a fair ratio of levels to ads so its not annoying. Quite a fun way to relax. After seeing so many misleading ads to wanna be games that show pin pulling but there is never any in the games, its nice to finally get to play the real deal. Garden scapes and home scapes as well as klodike need to stop the false advertising junk. Well worth the download. I feel so bad for these other ratings. If you want no adds, stop playing apps or turn off wi-fi. I don\'t need internet connection all the time so I just turn it off. The game is a lot of fun but not hard. I am fine with that though. I beat 314 levels in a total of 2 hours. Thank you for the simple yet entertaining game!


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