Free Dessert DIY Games Ranking - Play Dessert DIY Games for Free on YkuY Games

Dessert DIY

16K Plays · Published: May 23, 2022

4.4 Based on 750473 votes
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Offered:CrazyLabs LTD

Description: Make sweet Ice cream, popsicle stack, icing on the cake and cake decorating using your creativeness in one of the best cake games right now. Explore with different Desserts, different styles of icing on the cake, mirror cakes, fruit ingredients and syrups to create sweet desserts. - Pick up a dessert of your choice - Make sweet ice cream of your favorite flavour just like in ice cream inc - Enjoy icing on the cake with all kinds of cake decorating tools - Make a combo with ingredient, syrup, icing etc. - Get Creative with decorative toppings to your dessert like in your favourite cake decorating games - Upgrade your sweet dessert shop by selling dessert to the customers, they can choose anything from popsicle stack, ice cream, mirror cakes to creative cake decorating and many more!
  • OS:Android / Ios
  • Size:471.2 MB

Love the game it\'s really good and also very fun. You can unlock alot of the stuff the next day it\'s a good game. But it has alot of ads I know you need the ads for the game but mabye a little less ads will make more people want the game. I agree with all the other comments. No game is perfect tho remember that. So I love the game tho but I hope you fix this mistake and make the game with less ads. I recommend the game it\'s a fun time killer. Also the scooping thing is kinda hard to scoop stuff. I love this game this is so satisfying and very good graphics and a lot of things this is very good you can make anything you want DIY but they 1 problem the ads is showing in 1 minutes but is okay of me im just turn off data or wifi to block the ads


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